Wednesday, January 8, 2020

An Analysis of Becoming a Visible Man by J. Green - 879 Words

Becoming a Visible Man was an insightful and intriguing book to read for this course. It first caught my attention with the picture of the author on the cover smiling next to a billboard of a man bursting through water, almost as if he was being reborn. The process of being reborn was then seen as a common theme throughout the autobiography. The concepts of transsexualism caught my attention during class because I was least familiar with this sub population of individuals within the queer community. I strived to know more about the understandings of what it was like to go through changes in gender, its effects on relationships both sexual and non, as well as the emotional struggle that some people faced with themselves through the process†¦show more content†¦He had achieved the shock value not only with myself as the reader, but ultimately who he was addressing. Jamison had been an educator of trans people, speaking out to audiences of college students of all ages. His goal of educating the public stemmed from his own experiences with choosing to change genders as well as a broad overview of the ideas that surrounded transsexualism as a whole. He communicates well that his experiences do not encompass all transgendered people’s experiences and that transformation from male to female (MTF) is quite different from female to male (FTM) transformation. The societal complications from FTM are well examined from Jamison’s view. Many people believed that females that wanted to become males could By the time he was in his early 20s, Jamison knew he a part of him wanted to be transsexual, but he was afraid to acquire treatment because he was scared of what loved ones, strangers, and society would think of him. He believed the social mythology that one must be seriously psychologically imbalanced to perform such an act as actually changing ones sex (Green, 2004). Jamison did not want to risk losing all his social support that he had as an independent lesbian of his time. As Jamison later in life approached his mid-30’s he knew that he no longer wanted to live his life as a woman and he made the courageous step in seeking treatment for transsexualism. At the time Jamison was livingShow MoreRelatedBasella Rubra Fruit Extract2926 Words   |  12 PagesMaria Zennah Quinto, Camille Rosales, Ana Mariella Valmonte, Kyla Nicole Villalon, Gian Angelo 4MT-2 Statement of the Problem Can Basella rubra fruit extract be used as a counterstain in Gram staining? Introduction amp; Background According to H. J. Croxx, when microscopists first began to use stains in the sixties and seventies, the demand for dyes for this purpose was naturally too small to justify a special source of supply. 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