Thursday, May 21, 2020

Watergate - 643 Words

Watergate Student’s Name Professor Course Institution Date The Watergate Scandal was considered one of the most of disturbing political scandals in the history of America. This Scandal brought down a President and his administration, also made the American public distrust the government which still goes on today. In 1972 there were two break-ins at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, located in the Watergate office and apartment complex located in Washington D.C. The first was 27, 1972 and was performed by G. Gordon Liddy the leader of the group called â€Å" The Plumbers†, E. Howard Hunt, and James W. McCord along with six members of a group known as â€Å"the Plumbers†. The break- in was used to†¦show more content†¦James McCord and G Gordon Liddy stood trial and were convicted of conspiracy. The Watergate Scandal was broke to the public by Reporters for the Washington Post Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, from information passed to them by a Member of the White House code name as Deep Throat (Mar k Felt). With the information that was given to the reporters it showed that many of the President’s staff was involved to include the President. It was revealed that President Nixon had a voice activated taping system installed in the Oval office for all his conversations and phone calls. Confirmed to the Senate in July 1973 by White House aide Alexander Butterfield, after it was revealed it was dismantled and put in Alexander Haig’s custody. Earlier that year Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and the Senate Committee issued subpoenas for the tapes. Which President Nixon refused claiming executive privilege, when the President finally turned ove r the tapes it was found that to have a 181/2 minute gap in the tapes. Rose Mary Woods, President Nixon secretary admitted that while reviewing and transcribing the tapes that for the Senate committee she accidentally hit the record button while answering a phone call and erased about 5 minutes, she claims that she had nothin g to do with the other 13 minutes. The contents of the missing 18  ½ minutes may never be known, although it is believed to contain a conversation between President Nixon and Chief ofShow MoreRelatedWatergate Of The Watergate Scandal1135 Words   |  5 PagesWatergate Scandal The Watergate Scandal happened almost 43 years ago; the event will never be forgotten. The Watergate scandal defined, perhaps for the first time, that a president of the United States could be portrayed as untrustworthy. Richard Nixon ran for a second term in 1972, in which he won by a huge margin. The Democratic Party had their headquarters at the high-end Watergate hotel. The break-in happened on June 17th, 1972, in which a security guard noticed the tape on the door lockRead MoreWatergate670 Words   |  3 PagesVery few American’s over the age of 20 do not know about Watergate. They have seen the plots in movies, history books, TV shows, and Made for TV movies. Some of the media plots are real and some not so much. Contrary to popular belief â€Å"Forest Gump† was not the person to crack open Watergate [ (Groom, 1994) ]. That honor goes to a simple security guard at the Watergate Complex, Frank Wills [ (AHC, 2012) ]. Mr. Willis was making his rounds when he became aware of tape covering the locks on theRead MoreWatergate740 Words   |  3 PagesWatergate Lucia San Nicolas HIS/145 October 19, 2011 Marciano Flores Watergate The Watergate scandal shocked millions of Americans when it was revealed in 1972. The president at that time was Richard M. Nixon, who himself was involved within the scandal. The Watergate scandal took place in 1972 when a group of five men broke into the offices of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate office complex in Washington. The five men involved in this burglary were eventuallyRead MoreWatergate637 Words   |  3 PagesWatergate Scandal Ever since the beginning of time, scandals have occurred. But one of the biggest and infamous scandals is the Watergate. Approximately forty years ago from date, a Watergate protector found a small portion of tape attached on the lock of on the National Democratic Headquarters door. Then it all began. The Watergate’s attempted break in was a part of a bigger operation by President Nixon. The rumor was Nixon’s supporters and people involved in the scandal wanted to tarnish theRead MoreWatergate722 Words   |  3 Pagesstory of Watergate is both historically and politically interesting. It began to occur from the Pentagon Papers, in which Daniel Ellsberg handed over to the press. The Pentagon Papers contained secret documents outlining the history of U.S. involvement in Vietnam (p.848).These secret documents would bring to light the deception of the the morning of June 17, 1972, at 2:30 a.m. 5 burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee, located inside of the Watergate buildingRead MoreWatergate3095 Words   |  13 PagesRunning head: WATERGATE 1 WATERGATE DEVRY UNIVERSITY ONLINE. OCTOBER 20, 2014 WATERGATE 2 INTRODUCTION Watergate is a word that will forever be connected to the 37th President, Richard Nixon. What started out as a botched robbery at the Democratic Reelection headquarters would later become know for bringing down the Presidency. The American public would be able to see and hear firsthand what actually occurred in the Whitehouse behind closed doors, becauseRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal1543 Words   |  7 Pagestrustworthy – or so they thought. Unfortunately, shortly after Nixon was elected to his second term of presidency in 1972, the Watergate Scandal changed America forever by creating a sense of mistrust toward the government for the American people because of The Nixon Administration’s actions. It all began on Sunday, June 18, 1972 when Frank Wills, security guard at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C., found a piece of tape that was preventing a door from locking. After removing the pieceRead MoreWatergate Complex After The Watergate1781 Words   |  8 Pagesin the Watergate complex after signs of breaking in were found on the doors. No one at that time knew this subtle crime would lead to the greatest scandal in the US history and the resignation of the current President, Richard Nixon. Evidences later showed that the Watergate Incident was only a mere part of the ugly crimes the Nixon Administration had committed to achieve their ultimate goal of reelection, and Nixon had intentionally attempted a cover up to save his reputation. The Watergate incidentRead MoreThe Watergate Scandal2082 Words   |  9 PagesThe Watergate Scandal Richard Milhous Nixon was the thirty-seventh President of the United States of America from 1969 until 1974. Nixon completed his first term as President in 1973 and was re-elected for the position for the next four years. However, Nixon would have his time in the White House cut short by the series of events that occurred in the twenty-six months that followed the Watergate burglary. On June 17, 1972 five men, one White House employee and four Cubans, broke into the WatergateRead MoreWatergate Scandal2036 Words   |  9 PagesThe Watergate Scandal Essay written by Unknown The Watergate Scandal was a series of crimes committed by the President and his staff, who were found to spied on and harassed political opponents, accepted illegal campaign contributions, and covered up their own misdeeds. On June 17, 1972, The Washington Post published a small story. In this story the reporters stated that five men had been arrested breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Commi ttee. The headquarters was located in

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